Recently engaged like Harry and Meghan? Now is the time to think about making your Will!

Recently got engaged? Making a Will is probably the last thing on your mind! However, what many do not appreciate is that marriage automatically revokes an existing Will.

The only way to ensure this does not happen is to make your Will “in contemplation of marriage”. This is where you state that you will be marrying a specific person in your Will. That way, even after your marriage has taken place, your Will remains valid and avoids the potential uncertainty and unintended consequences that dying without a Will can create.

Thinking about putting off making your Will until after you are married? Why not take steps now to protect each other and make sure your loved-one is provided for in your Will. Unmarried partners, even those recently engaged, do not have any automatic right to each other’s assets.

Now is the time to get your Will in order so that you can get on with enjoying your engagement, planning your wedding and looking forward to your future together!

Many congratulations to the happy couple HRH Prince Harry and Ms Meghan Markle on their recent engagement!

For more information please contact Tracy Ashby or Edward Jones on 0121 624 4000.

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