How to Make Employees Redundant

Sales and purchase handshake

Redundancies can unfortunately be an inevitable part of running a business. If they do become a necessity, it’s essential to follow correct procedures at every stage in the process. Failure to do so could see you embroiled in costly employment tribunal cases, which can have a detrimental effect on your business. This is why understanding…

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Why Would an Employer Offer a Settlement Agreement?

Settlement Agreements Bespoke Agreement

Designed to promote an amicable resolution to company disputes, settlement agreements were introduced in July 2013. Their aim is to encourage both parties to sort out their differences within the organisation itself, without resorting to employment tribunals.  The existence of settlement agreements will typically slip under the radar of employees, at least until they are…

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Understanding Post Termination Restrictions

Residential property dispute solicitors

Also referred to as “restrictive covenants”, post termination restrictions are designed to limit certain activities by former employees and protect businesses from potential harm. They represent a delicate balancing act between employers needing to preserve their interests and former workers wanting to freely pursue new opportunities. If businesses and individuals wish to avoid the prospect…

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What Qualifies as a Protected Disclosure?


Whistleblowing can be an important way of highlighting wrongdoing in the workplace. In ‘blowing the whistle’, an individual will be protected by law from any adverse effects from the disclosure — such as demotion, dismissal, or a deterioration in the working environment. If any of this does happen, the employee will have the right to…

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Case Study: Demma Group

Demma Group Construction workers

Demma Group, based in the West Midlands, has grown into a nationally renowned building energy management system provider. Demma approached Thursfields for advice on its sale to Nordomatic, the leading BMS system integrator in Scandinavia. Thursfields’ team was instructed by Demma’s key shareholders to navigate the intricacies of the deal which included corporate and commercial…

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Do I Have to Keep Staff When Buying a Business?

Sales and purchase handshake

If you’re in the process of purchasing an existing company, one of your first questions could be ‘Do I have to keep staff when buying a business?’. The transfer of ownership often creates a period of upheaval for a workforce, so providing clarity about their future is essential to comply with laws around the TUPE…

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How to Prepare a Business for Sale

Commercial - meeting between two men

Deciding to sell a business is one of the most important actions owners will take. Developing an exit strategy from something you have worked hard to achieve can be a stressful process as there are several factors at play. Not only will you want to make the maximum return on your investment, but the procedure…

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Complex Farm Sale

Agriculture - tractor in field with grey sky

The sale involved complex negotiations, simultaneous share and property transfers, and extensive due diligence. Our multidisciplinary agricultural team was well equipped to handle matters due to our expertise in Corporate & Commercial, Property, Litigation and Employment Law. With a Partner-led approach, our team engaged in strategic negotiations through the sale process to secure the best…

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