Thursfields’ lawyer volunteers to support well-being centre | Charity law

A lawyer at Thursfields Solicitors is reaching out to vulnerable and isolated people in her spare time during COVID-19 via a charity the company works with in Worcestershire.

Lorna Tipple, an associate director in the Family Law department at Thursfields’ Kidderminster office, is planning the corporate social responsibility (CSR) work with the Simply Limitless Wellbeing Centre.

Simply Limitless is a community-based hub in Kidderminster that offers a variety of activities and support for the lonely and elderly, from outreach services to keep fit classes for all ages and abilities, and from family play sessions to a night kitchen.

Ms Tipple said: “Thursfields has long been involved with the Simply Limitless charity which we think does a tremendous job for people in the local area.

“In the past, we’ve provided them free Wills clinics, have sponsored their recent big quiz, and last year several of the Thursfields team rolled up their sleeves to help transform their sensory garden, holding a garden party to celebrate the result afterwards.

“I felt like doing something extra for them during COVID-19 and so I asked if I could help by making befriending calls to lonely and vulnerable people now further isolated due to the lockdown.

“Simply Limitless was delighted to hear from me and I am just waiting my online Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) legal checks before I get cracking.”

Ms Tipple, who is also a keen singer and a member of the BBC award-winning Birmingham Town Hall Gospel Choir, added: “I plan to fit calls in around work and in the evenings – helping a in little way to break up people’s lonely days by having a chat with them.”

Paul Raper, chief executive at Simply Limitless, which is based on Puxton Lane, said: “We’re really grateful to Lorna for volunteering to help us by making these calls.

“Despite COVID-19, we are still supporting over 200 people per week providing meals Monday to Friday, offering virtual exercise classes and helping with shopping and prescriptions.

“The fact that Lorna is willing to spend her own time helping us to be in contact with those that are lonely and vulnerable is just brilliant.”

For more information about Simply Limitless, visit, call 01562 751144 or email

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