Christmas donations to help the homeless

Staff at Thursfields Sedgley branch helped to spread some Christmas joy in December by helping out a local homeless charity.

Jessica Cooksey, a member of Thursfields Junior Lawyer Committee (TJLC), chose Hope into Action (Black Country) as the office’s chosen charity to support as part of the TJLC’s Christmas charity drive.

Hope into Action provides homes for those who find themselves on the street, squatting or sleeping on friend’s sofas. At any given time, there are 20 people sleeping rough in the Black Country and currently more than 11,500 people on local authority housing waiting lists in the Wolverhampton area.

Members of the TJLC organised the collection of donations from clients and colleagues to be passed on to the charity.

Matthieu Lambert, from Hope into Action said when speaking to the Express & Star “it is wonderful that Thursfields have taken our cause to their hearts. The huge amount of items will be gladly received by all those we help.”

Photograph courtesy of the Express & Star.

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