CJRS Furlough Scheme | Employment Law

The portal, which can be accessed via HMRC’s Government Gateway, has opened today. This portal will allow employers to claim wage costs and other associated costs for employees who qualify under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme for these payments. It is likely that usage of this Gateway will be high and employers may therefore want to access this gateway sooner rather than later.

Is there guidance as to how much we can claim for employees?

The government has produced a guidance note to help employers work out how much can be claimed under this scheme as attached in the following link:


Do I need to upload information individually for employees?

It is understood that those employers who have more than 100 qualifying employees on furlough leave can upload a file containing employees’ National Insurance numbers, PAYE details and furlough dates. Those with fewer will however need to upload employees’ details individually.

When will payment be made?

The Treasury are quoted as saying that funds to pay workers will be paid into employers’ bank account within six working days. The date for payment will be important for employers especially those who will be relying on the money to pay their staff in April.

Thursfields has a team of Employment Law Experts with offices in Birmingham, Halesowen, Kidderminster, Sedgley, Solihull and Worcester. Whether you are an employer or employee, it’s important you get the right advice at the outset.

For more information call James Monk on 0121 227 3366 or email jmonk@thursfields.co.uk

DISCLAIMER: The materials in this guidance are provided for general information purposes and do not constitute legal or other professional advice. While the information is considered to be true and correct at the date of publication, changes in circumstances may impact the accuracy and validity of the information. Thursfields Solicitors are not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for any action or decision taken as a result of using the guidance.

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