Coronavirus – 5 Key Steps for Employers | Employment law
As fears of a coronavirus pandemic continue to grow, some businesses are preventing their employees attending certain events or asking them to work from home. This is not an option for every business, so what five steps can your business take to prepare.
- Stay informed. Good sources of guidance:
- Government website:
2. Communicate regularly with employees giving guidance about what they should do if they need time off work related to Coronavirus (whether for themselves or to care for another).
3. Understand the new rules around SSP and consider what steps your business can take to mitigate any financial loss for employees as a result of absence that will not be covered by sick pay. This may occur for example where an employee needs time off to care for a dependent but is not themselves unwell. This might include offering the opportunity to work remotely, using holiday entitlement, giving paid leave now in agreement that colleagues will work back the time later in the year.
4. Ensure staff contact numbers and emergency contact details are up to date.
5. Take the opportunity to deep clean the work environment and ensure appropriate guidance on hygiene measures is given.
Anyone needing further guidance can contact Lauren at or on 0121 796 4026, extension 5285.