Employment Tribunal Solicitors Birmingham

Employment tribunals in the UK are filed regularly with approximately 20,000 receipts (cases) filed in Q2 of 2023/24 according to the UK Government.

If you need to seek support or guidance regarding an employment tribunal, speak to Thursfields employment tribunal solicitors Birmingham today. Our expert employment team are able to provide you with support in unfair dismissals, whistleblowing, breaches of confidentiality and much more.

What Are Employment Tribunals?

Employment tribunals are specialised legal forums that resolve any disputes that have arisen between employees and employers. A tribunal can handle instances of unfair dismissal, discrimination, breach on contract, redundancy, wage disputes and so much more.

Unlike traditional courts, tribunals are focused specifically on employment related issues and provide a more streamlined platform for dispute resolution.

If an employment tribunal has arisen within your business and you need to seek support or advice from legal experts, contact Thursfields employment tribunal solicitors Birmingham today.

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Why Might An Employment Tribunal Arise?

Employment tribunals may arise in a number of different situations. Often, they will come about due to a disagreement or conflict within the workplace. Some of the more common reasons for disagreement or conflict include:

  • Discrimination: If an employee feels that they have been treated unfairly based on age, gender, race, disability or another protected characteristic, they may claim discrimination.
  • Unfair Dismissal: If an employee feels that they have been dismissed without just cause or a proper dismissal procedure, they can file a claim under unfair dismissal.
  • Breach of Contract: If either party has failed to adhere to the terms of an employment contract, it may result in an employment tribunal hearing for breach of contract.
  • Wage Disputes: Issues surrounding holiday pay, unpaid wages or a discrepancy in salary can lead to tribunal claims being made.

There are many more reasons as to why conflict or disagreement in the workplace can arise. For more information on employment tribunals, speak to Thursfields employment tribunal solicitors Birmingham today and be assured that we can support you. Whether an individual or business, Thursfields believe that everyone deserves only the best legal guidance and advice.

Thursfields Supports Individuals & Businesses

Thursfields employment tribunal solicitors Birmingham offer a range of comprehensive services for both businesses and individuals that may be faced with employment disputes. Our solicitors can assist you with:

  • Initial Consultations: These are where our solicitors take the time to understand the specifics of your case and offer clear, practical advice for the best course of action in your current circumstances.
  • Case Preparation: Our team will then continue with meticulous preparations for your case, gathering relevant evidence, drafting necessary documentation and ensuring that all procedure requirements are met.
  • Tribunal Representation: Our employment tribunal solicitors Birmingham will represent you at every stage of the tribunal process, from pre-hearing negotiations to final hearing. Solicitors will advocate on your behalf throughout the process.
  • Negotiation & Settlement: Where possible, our solicitors try to find resolution during mediation or negotiation, potentially avoiding the need for a tribunal hearing; however, this is not always the case.
  • Post-Tribunal Support: Following the tribunal outcome, we will provide guidance on how to implement the tribunal’s decision or explore further legal avenues if required.

If you feel that you need legal advice or guidance on employment tribunal’s, get in touch with our employment tribunal solicitors Birmingham today. We are here to help you!

Potential Outcomes of Employment Tribunals Birmingham

The outcome of an employment tribunal is very much dependent upon the nature of the case and the evidence that has been presented. Some of the possible outcomes can include:

  • Compensation: The tribunal may choose to award financial compensation to the employee for a loss of earnings, injury or feelings or other relevant losses during this time.
  • Reinstatement or Re-Engagement: When a case has been brought for unfair dismissal, the tribunal may order that the employee is reinstated or re-engaged within their previous position, or one that is similar.
  • Recommendations & Declarations: Declarations for parties’ rights can be made as well as recommendations for action steps that employers must take following the case. This may include providing training or updating policies for example.
  • Claim Dismissal: Should the tribunal find favour with the employer, not the employee, the claim will be dismissed, and no compensation will be awarded to the employee.

If you are looking to give yourself the best chance at the most effective outcome at an employment tribunal, get in touch with our employment tribunal solicitors Birmingham today.

Why Thursfields for Employment Tribunals

Thursfields Birmingham brings a wealth of experience and expertise in the legal field, from Employment Law to Corporate, Private Client,  Commercial Litigation and more. Take a look at our wide range of comprehensive legals services to find the support that you need.

Ensure your company remains compliant with all regulations and your policies are fit for purpose.

Tailor-made support for employers and employees at every stage of the tribunal process.

Fair and transparent procedures are mandatory when going through redundancy. Our team can help.

The departure of senior executives needs careful handling. We offer comprehensive specialist guidance.

Providing clear, pragmatic advice to protect the interests of all parties is what our employment solicitors do best.

A compassionate and tenacious legal approach is essential when dealing with whistleblowing cases. That’s exactly what we offer.

Minimise risk and comply with obligations with the assistance of our dedicated employment solicitors.

Ongoing and bespoke HR support for your company. Essential support whenever it is required.

Our employment tribunal solicitors Birmingham has years of experience in handling complex tribunal cases effectively, ensuring that clients get a satisfactory result. We prioritise your needs and offer a practical, tailored solution to resolve your employment disputes fairly and as quickly as possible.

Our commitment to excellence and reliability has given Thursfields a reputable status across Birmingham and The West Midlands in all areas of law. If you are seeking the best legal advice, speak to our employment tribunal solicitors Birmingham and start your initial consultation with our experts today. You will remain informed throughout the process with transparency at every stage.

For expert assistance in employment tribunal matters, contact Thursfields Birmingham below today.

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