Getting a Good Outcome from a Grievance | Employment law
When an employee feels compelled to use an employer’s grievance procedure, does that mean it’s the beginning of the end for the employment relationship?
Not necessarily. Although some employers do pay lip service to their grievance procedures, simply going through the motions before they look to exit the employee, some employers can see it as a wake up call. Often, there is an underlying cultural or workplace issue to be addressed.
Jade Linton, Senior Associate in Thursfields’ Employment Law Team is a skilled adviser on workplace grievances: “Grievances have an ability to unsettle a workforce and cause friction in the workplace if left unaddressed. It is surprising how quickly people take sides and ill feeling can spread if the matter is not dealt with. In the worse case scenarios, you can face legal claims including claims for discrimination or constructive unfair dismissal. Furthermore, there can be significant reputational damage from an employee who feels let down by the way they have been treated at work.”
With offices in Worcester, Solihull, Birmingham, Kidderminster and Halesowen, Thursfields’ Employment Law Team can advise on the process and psychology of getting good outcomes for grievances. Understanding the correct processes to follow is key but taking the time to listen and understand the issues being raised is equally important to getting a good outcome for all involved.
For more information contact Jade Linton on 0121 796 4024 or email