Planning for your Journey Ahead…..

The headlines in most of the papers this morning advise us that the onset of dementia could be linked to our proximity to busy roads and traffic pollution. Whilst it is not a very positive read, the truth is that very few of us are fully prepared from a legal point of view for our journey through life.

A Power of Attorney is not an age related document. Anyone who owns an asset (bank account, house etc.) should put in place a Power of Attorney to ensure that someone they trust can step in and deal with their affairs should the worst happen.

The Wills & Estates team at Thursfields recognised several years ago that the issues surrounding Dementia and it’s varying forms is becoming more prevalent in the work we do assisting families throughout Worcestershire, the West Midlands and beyond. The Firm has invested time in ongoing training for its staff who have learnt more about living with dementia and effective ways to communicate with clients and their families. Many of our Wills & Estates team have also become ‘Dementia Friends’, an initiative from the Alzheimer’s Society, to reinforce their commitment to creating awareness.

If you have any concerns prompted by today’s headlines or would like to discuss any aspect of Powers of Attorney, Wills or helping a relative who may moving into care please contact us.

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