There’s never been a better time to talk about Wills following COVID-19
Wills and Estates
With everyone thinking more about death in the wake of COVID-19, it’s the perfect time to make sure Wills are planned properly.
Michelle Hetheridge, director of the Wills & Estates department at Thursfields said professional advice would help ensure that deceased’s loved ones received what was rightfully theirs as quickly as possible.
She explained legal experts were even more crucial in the cases of vulnerable and elderly people to make sure their wishes are properly followed when making Wills and for carrying out estate administration.
Michelle said: “One of the harsher realities of the pandemic is that everyone has been having to think more about death and its consequences in recent months.
“But what many people now need to do if they want to care for loved ones if they were to die, is to start talking about their Wills and estate planning.
“Have they made a Will in the past? Is that Will still valid? Or has it been revoked by marriage or is it out of date with new family members or changes in circumstances?
“Do the Executors appointed need updating? It is unusual to review a Will and not find it needs updating.
“In many cases, people may never have made a formal Will, which in itself could create huge headaches and expense especially if there are children from previous partnerships or marriages.
“And what if your own elderly or vulnerable relatives have not made a Will, or have not checked its validity? What steps do people need to take to make sure any problems are resolved?
“There are multiple potential hurdles, but peace of mind can very quickly and easily be gained by making sure you instruct solicitors who specialise in this area to review your personal situation and to give you the best advice.”
Michelle added: “When clients get in touch, we review their circumstances and ensure we assist them in putting in place all they need during their lifetime and beyond, ultimately ensuring their assets pass efficiently to those they love most.”
For more information on Wills and estate planning, you can contact Michelle Hetheridge on or via 0345 20 73 72 8.