Thursfields donate monthly shop of groceries to busy foodbank

Thursfields Solicitors is carrying out a monthly shop of much-needed groceries for a busy community foodbank in the Black Country.

The Well foodbank in Tipton was launched in 2013 and provides a crucial lifeline for what’s estimated to be more than 1,200 people a year.

Geraldine Hodder, a personal assistant in the Commercial Property team at Thursfields’ Birmingham office, came up with the idea of supporting the foodbank after she was impressed at the work it was doing.

Geraldine said: “The Well foodbank in Tipton is a great project that helps scores of people and families every week who are struggling make ends meet. I felt this was an excellent opportunity for Thursfields to be involved with and help out in the local community, as foodbanks are becoming even more depended on in this financial climate. The foodbank had made several appeals on social media for donations of food and I was so pleased when my bosses at Thursfields agreed we could help out.”

Geraldine is now shopping for and delivering £50 worth of groceries a month, using a list provided by The Well so it knows what it’s getting and can request items that are in short supply.

Bill Newby, a great-granddad who will be 70 this year, started the foodbank because he felt that as a local Christian he should be doing something to help those less fortunate.

Mr Newby, a formed shipyard welder, carpenter and engineer who attends St Matthews Anglican Church in Tipton, said: “This is a brilliant thing that Thursfields is doing and will be so useful to local people who will be really grateful.”

Julia Warrilow, director at Thursfields, added: “We are really pleased to be able to support such a great, local facility and thank Geraldine for taking the time to ensure that we can follow through on this commitment.”

The Well foodbank – staffed by local volunteers – opens every Tuesday and Friday at 15 Union Street, neat Tipton railway station. Anyone wanting to help or donate can call Bill Newby on 07971 742367 or email

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