Thursfields hosts Charity Commission at Solihull office

Thursfields has helped Midlands charities contribute to the development of new online services for the charity sector.

Staff at Thursfields’ new offices in Solihull hosted the Charity Commission for England and Wales which is in the process of creating new online services.

Jenny Smith, the firm’s head of charities and not-for-profit sector, said: “Trustees and employees of local charities and those who provide services to charities took the opportunity to influence the process in the interests of the sector as a whole. Those who attended, as with similar sessions at our Worcester office, enjoyed the appointments and found them useful. We were delighted to be involved.”

Ian Roughley of the Charity Commission, who is heading up the national project, said: “We are looking at how people access content – that is why we have been arranging these testing sessions where participants are asked to carry out certain tasks. The feedback we get from this helps us to make improvements to the website and all assistance is greatly appreciated.”

It was the first time the Commission had visited Thursfields new premises in the town.

Jenny Smith has over 15 years experience of providing advice to charities and other not for profit organisations, for more information please contact her on 01905 677052 or e-mail

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