Thursfields’ latest Talk Legal webinar will explain how to tackle co-parenting breakdowns

Stressful breakdowns in co-parenting relationships can be solved through early intervention, clear communication and making a written record of agreements, according to an expert at Thursfields Solicitors.

Full details on how to achieve the best outcome for separating parents and their children will be discussed during a webinar hosted by the leading Midlands law firm later this month.

Hannah Nicholls, an associate director in the Family Law department at Thursfields and an expert at dealing with complex children matters, will host the free Talk Legal webinar at 10am on Wednesday 27 January.

This has been titled: “Steps to take when a co-parenting relationship breaks down”.

Hannah will introduce the webinar live on Zoom, will then play a short vidcast explaining the issues and how they can be resolved, before returning to the screen to answer any questions.

She will be joined for the Q&A session by Adele Ballantyne, a relationship therapist from Eleda consultancy, who specialises in helping a wide variety of individuals, couples and families.

The session is expected to last around 30 minutes, including any questions, and attendees will leave with expert insight on how to solve co-parenting issues.

Hannah said: “When facing separation or after having separated, it can be difficult to come to an agreement with regards to your children.

“The challenge is not only working out what a fair arrangement is, but also considering how this may impact the child.

“Problems can arise in so many different areas – from disagreements about future living arrangements to education, and from differing styles of parenting in two separate households to agreeing where children stay during holidays.

“There are so many things to think about, and our webinar will look at the best ways parents can avoid such breakdowns, including early intervention, clear communication and writing agreements down.

“We’ll explain how engaging third party assistance can be helpful, and how this can range from therapists to lawyers, but that doesn’t mean that co-parenting has to be adversarial.

“Qualified and experienced lawyers and therapists can advise on subjects like creating a parenting plan that can mean reaching an amicable agreement, helping to eliminate fall-outs.

“Yes, as a last resort, lawyers can also be engaged to make an application to  court to help solve complete co-parenting relationship breakdowns in the case of highly acrimonious splits.

“But ideally, the right lawyers can also signpost parents to alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation and collaborative law, which aim to resolve matters more amicably.”

Hannah added: “Co-parenting is a long-term, forever relationship, and making it work is crucial for the sake of the children.”

The webinar on 27 January will be the tenth in Thursfields’ Talk Legal series which was launched during the first COVID-19 lockdown to ensure the company continued its regular free workshops for businesses and the community.

Michelle O’Hara, managing director at Thursfields, said: “We’re thrilled to be reaching the landmark tenth Talk Legal webinar to provide free advice to the public.

“Our online events, supported by expertly recorded vidcasts, regularly draw large online audiences to learn from our legal experts’ wide knowledge and in-depth experience on different legal topics.”

People can register for Thursfields’ latest Talk Legal webinar here:

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