Thursfields’ top rural affairs solicitor appointed Vice Chair of the Country Land and Business Association’s Worcestershire committee

One of the Midlands’ top legal experts on rural affairs has been appointed as vice-chair of the Country Land and Business Association’s Worcestershire branch committee.

Jon Clifford, director of the Agricultural and Rural Affairs team at Thursfields Solicitors, is a seasoned litigator, acting mostly for farmers, land owners and rural businesses.

He will now work with other local business leaders in serving the County’s members of what is more commonly known as the CLA, which provides advice, rural representation and other services for its members.

Jon, who is also a fellow of the Agricultural Law Association and a member of the Property Litigation Association, said: “I’m delighted to have been asked to play a more formal role with the CLA, whose services are of real benefit to rural businesses.

“Here at Thursfields, we have a clear understanding of rural business clients’ unique needs, and we offer a practical approach, be it towards buying or selling farms, advising on rural leases, assisting with matrimonial issues, offering tax advice and succession planning, or sorting out disputes, often managing resolution without recourse to the courts.

“I now hope to share some of that experience with the CLA’s Worcestershire branch committee to help refine and improve their services to members.”

He will join Iain Morrison, of solicitors MFG, who is the new chair of the CLA’s Worcestershire branch committee, and Yan Gittens of chartered surveyors Fisher German, who is president.

Anyone needing expert legal advice on rural affairs can contact Jon Clifford via 0345 20 73 72 8 or by emailing him at

Jon Clifford,

Director, Agricultural and Rural Affairs

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