Thursfields solicitors Work Placement Programme hailed as a great success

University students and graduates who experienced Thursfields Solicitors’ Work Placement Programme this summer have hailed it as a great success.

Thursfields’ hosted the candidates at its Solihull office, where they focused on both legal tasks and other skills crucial for a successful legal career.

The week-long programme was designed and delivered by trainees, legal assistants and newly qualified lawyers on Thursfields’ Junior Lawyer Committee, supported by HR director Michelle O’Hara.

Gabriella Willock, a graduate of Aston University, described the experience as “an exceptional insight into life at a law firm” and an “opportunity too good to miss”.

Those on placement got involved in a variety of different legal disciplines, from family and private client to corporate and commercial work. They also had the chance to get hands-on by making a case for their client in a mock Employment Tribunal.

Networking was an integral part of the programme, with the opportunity to interact with staff from across the business including the executive team and a panel of lawyers from different backgrounds.

The programme also included careers advice on securing jobs in the legal sector, team-building exercises and activities to increase commercial awareness and improve communications skills.

Grace Durnall, a student from Sheffield University, said: “I would strongly encourage anyone of any degree, discipline and university year of study to apply.

The programme enabled me to experience trainee-style legal work and was informative about the variety of routes available for securing a training contract, opening my eyes to the many options available.

The team at Thursfields are extremely friendly and made me feel at ease straight away. The programme was very well-organised, and I would highly encourage anyone considering a career in law to apply.”

Another student Chelsea Garner added: “Personally, a pivotal part of the programme which particularly stood out to me was a discussion with two solicitors at the firm on tips to improve your CV and other applications.”

Michelle O’Hara, HR director at Thursfields, said: “The Work Placement Programme was a great success because it was designed and delivered by our junior lawyers who all have recent knowledge and experience of graduate training and recruitment processes.

They worked hard on producing a great week of activities and everyone at Thursfields was delighted to host so many keen and talented students and graduates.”

Michelle added that Thursfields was planning to run the programme again in 2020, and that students should keep an eye on the firm’s website for details of the application window.

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