Thursfields launches helpline for schools and academies

Thursfields has launched a legal helpline service to give schools and academies easy access to expert advice on employment and governance issues.

The new Education Helpline Service will give education clients prompt specialist support by phone and email for an unlimited number of issues.

Lauren Hartigan-Pritchard, a senior associate solicitor at Thursfields and head of our education sector, said: “The changing structures of UK education means many schools and academies are facing the challenge of having to deal with their own legal issues. Our new Education Helpline Service means we can help our clients to meet that challenge, working closely with them and offering robust, practical advice to find the best solutions.”

Thursfields’ new service costs just £1.20 per pupil, up to a maximum annual fee of £1,500 plus VAT, with a minimum fee of £500 plus VAT. It comes with no automatic renewal or lengthy tie-in conditions.

Common issues faced by schools and academies include:

  • Recruitment, retention and performance management
  • Absence management, disciplinary and grievance procedures
  • Dealing with admissions and exclusions
  • Responding to complaints by staff and parents
  • Managing allegations against staff, safeguarding issues and whistleblowing
  • Parental rights, flexible working requests and statutory leave
  • Implementing policies and procedures, and
  • Compliance with equality legislation.

Lauren added: “Our new service will give schools and academies instant access to a qualified employment lawyer from our team of experts, all having significant practical experience. Many of our solicitors are school governors, they therefore understand the education sector and the modern-day challenges that schools and academies face.”

In addition to the Education Helpline Service, Thursfields can also provide wider support to its clients on matters such as:

  • Academy conversion
  • Restructuring and redundancy advice
  • Academy company secretarial services
  • Managing disputes
  • Constitutional advice, and
  • Data protection.

For further information, please contact:

Lauren Hartigan-Pritchard, Senior Associate Solicitor

Tel: 01905 730450


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