Can a Business Partner Force You to Sell?

Purchase of care home

It is common for business relationships to come to an end. Relationships may break down or one of the owners could want to explore opportunities elsewhere. Perhaps the company is going through financial difficulties and an owner decides to sell their shares to raise capital.  Another potential reason for a split is a situation where…

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Challenges with the Family Farm Divorce Process

Agriculture featured image - dog and farmer

Divorce can often be a challenging process, something which requires specialist guidance to ensure your needs are satisfied. While the financial claims involved in a family farm divorce (such as income, property, and pensions) are exactly the same as any other separation, there are some unique circumstances which will typically only occur when rural businesses…

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Dealing with a Breach of Child Arrangement Order

Family - Child Arrangements

Dealing with a divorce or separation can be difficult. This is particularly the case when children are involved. Child arrangements orders were introduced to make the process more straightforward for all parties involved and put the needs of the children first. Unfortunately, even when you have an order, there may be occasions when one party…

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What Should be Included in a Business Purchase Agreement?

September deadline for registering trusts

When transferring some or all business assets from a seller to a buyer, everything should be recorded in a business purchase agreement. Although these documents are common in asset sales, making sure that everything is included demands attention to detail and comprehensive guidance. Knowing what to include in an agreement for the sale and purchase…

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Asset Sale Vs Share Sale: Which is Best?

Restructing and insolvency - men discussing around table

If you’re buying a business in the UK, the two main procedures available to you are an asset sale and a share sale. While both approaches work towards the same objective, there are key differences between the two that need to be taken into account. There is no definite answer to which will suit your…

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Can I Sell My Business Before Divorce?

Office Meeting - man and woman listening to experts

If you own a company, you will want to protect it in the event of a marital breakdown. You may be unsure of what will happen to your company during divorce or concerned about how your assets would be divided between you and your spouse.   One of the many questions you might be considering in…

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A Guide to Divorce in Farming Families

Agricultural Tractor in Harvest Field

While separations are often challenging, divorce in farming families can be even more difficult to resolve. Farming divorce cases not only have to address the usual child arrangements and financial settlements, but they usually also include high value assets, complex trusts, and inter-generational business interests. Understanding the key features in farming divorce cases can be…

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Do I Have to Keep Staff When Buying a Business?

Sales and purchase handshake

If you’re in the process of purchasing an existing company, one of your first questions could be ‘Do I have to keep staff when buying a business?’. The transfer of ownership often creates a period of upheaval for a workforce, so providing clarity about their future is essential to comply with laws around the TUPE…

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A Guide to Agricultural Relief

Agriculture featured image - dog and farmer

Inheritance tax (IHT) is an important consideration for farmers who want to protect their assets and provide for future generations. Agricultural Relief (AR), formerly known as Agricultural Property Relief (APR), offers solutions for farm owners, as it can help to minimise potentially significant IHT liabilities. Whether you’re an experienced farmer or an entrepreneur, we can help…

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How are Assets Divided in a Divorce?

Divorce and Separation Solicitors

One of the most common questions separating spouses have is “how are assets divided in divorce?” For some, potentially sensitive conversations about finances can lead to significant delays in obtaining a financial remedy order. When there are disagreements over the likes of unmatched contributions and how much each party will need, the potential for conflict…

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